Master Biblical Languages

Master Biblical Languages


Develop Solid Pastoral Skills

Develop Solid Pastoral Skills


Learn How to Handle God’s Word Accurately

Learn How to Handle God’s Word Accurately


Grow Under Leading Biblical Counselors

Grow Under Leading Biblical Counselors


Flexible Scheduling & Distance Learning

Flexible Scheduling & Distance Learning


Serve God as You Serve Your Fellow Man

Serve God as You Serve Your Fellow Man


Appreciate One-on-one Training

Appreciate One-on-one Training


Rooted in Historical Presbyterianism

Rooted in Historical Presbyterianism


Welcome to WRS

WRS is a graduate school of theology. It offers bachelor and master degrees in pastoral ministry, theology, biblical studies, lay church ministry, and biblical counseling. WRS is dedicated to one task, to assist the Bible Presbyterian Church and other Reformed and conservative, Bible-believing churches, by providing theological training for their ministers, missionaries, and other Christian workers. Learn More...
  • Reformation Sunday Bulletin Insert
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  • Good Progress at ARTS Meeting
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WRS Journal
  • What Do We Do Now?What Do We Do Now?
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  • Review of Moises Silva, “Explorations in Exegetical Method: Galatians As A Test Case”Review of Moises Silva, “Explorations in Exegetical Method: Galatians As A Test Case”
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